Biden Pardons Turkeys, Saves Them from Thanksgiving Fate

16:07 20.11.2023

U.S. President Joe Biden continued the long-standing tradition of pardoning a turkey on the Monday before Thanksgiving, marking the 76th year in a row that an American president has taken part in the ritual. As he stood on the South Lawn of the White House, Biden, who also happened to celebrate his 81st birthday that day, joked about his age, saying, "I want you to know I wasn't there for the first one. I was too young to make it."

The president proceeded to save the lives of two turkeys named Liberty and Bell, each weighing over 42 pounds. With a touch of humor, Biden proclaimed, "I hereby pardon Liberty and Bell. Congratulations, birds." This act of granting clemency to a turkey has become a beloved but somewhat quirky tradition among American presidents.

Amidst the usual assortment of bad jokes and puns, Biden made light-hearted remarks about the turkeys' newfound appreciation for freedom. "These birds have a new appreciation for the word, 'Let freedom ring,'" he quipped. The president also poked fun at himself, addressing the crowd that included White House staff members, their families, a group of middle schoolers, and representatives from farming groups. "By the way, it's my birthday today," Biden revealed, eliciting scattered laughter. "I just want you to know it's difficult turning 60."

The turkeys, Liberty and Bell, were not the traditional brown-feathered variety seen on most Thanksgiving tables. These two enormous, white-plumed turkeys hailed from Willmar, Minnesota, and had spent the night at the Willard Hotel near the White House. They were raised under the guidance of the National Turkey Federation and were transported to Washington, D.C. for their special moment in the spotlight.

Following their pardon, Liberty and Bell will retire to the University of Minnesota's College of Food, Agricultural, and Natural Resource Sciences in St. Paul. There, they will live out their days without fear of becoming the centerpiece of a Thanksgiving feast.

While millions of turkeys will indeed be roasted and enjoyed by Americans on Thanksgiving Day, Biden reminded everyone that the turkey pardoning event is a lighthearted and symbolic gesture. As he sent Liberty and Bell off to their peaceful retirement, the president couldn't help but acknowledge the historical significance of the event. "That's a big bird, man," he marveled, capturing the spirit of the occasion.

/ Monday, November 20, 2023, 4:07 PM /

themes:  Joe Biden  Thanksgiving  Washington  Minnesota

VIEWS: 117

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