The New Hampshire primary is on Tuesday. Here's what to know.

12:25 23.01.2024

Manchester, New Hampshire - Today, Granite Staters are flocking to the polls for the highly anticipated first-in-the-nation primary, a longstanding tradition that has been upheld for over a century. However, this time around, the political landscape is vastly different from previous elections. The Democratic primary results are expected to face rejection from the national party, while on the Republican side, the field has narrowed down to just two main contenders. As voters cast their ballots, let's delve into the fascinating history and significance of the New Hampshire primary.

New Hampshire's claim to the first primary spot is not merely a matter of convention; it is enshrined in state law. Since 1920, the state has consistently held the first primary of every election cycle, making it an integral part of American democracy. In contrast, Iowa, which held its Republican nominating vote last week, operates under a caucus system. The Granite State initially gained its premier status through unwritten custom, but after a series of contentious Democratic primaries in 1968 and 1972, coupled with the national turmoil caused by the Watergate scandal and Richard Nixon's resignation, there were discussions about relinquishing this coveted position in favor of a regional primary involving all six New England states.

However, this idea did not sit well with Republican Governor Meldrim Thomson or Democratic state Representative Jim Splaine. In 1975, Splaine introduced legislation that solidified New Hampshire's first-in-the-nation status, gaining support from Governor Thomson, who was committed to preserving the state's unique contribution to American democracy. Splaine's bill, which passed shortly before the 1976 primaries, established that the New Hampshire contest must be held at least one week before any other state primary. Moreover, if any other state attempted to leapfrog New Hampshire, the primary could be held in the calendar year preceding the general election. This legislation has since become an integral part of political history, ensuring that New Hampshire remains at the forefront of the primary process.

Interestingly, President Joe Biden's name does not appear on the ballot for today's primary. Following the 2020 election, national Democrats made the decision to designate South Carolina as the first primary to be held on February 3rd. The rationale behind this choice was the belief that South Carolina, with its diverse and representative population, better reflected the broader demographics of the country compared to Iowa or New Hampshire. As a result, President Biden's absence from the New Hampshire primary ballot is a consequence of the national party's strategic decision.

As voters in New Hampshire exercise their democratic right, the outcome of this primary will undoubtedly shape the trajectory of the presidential race. With the Democratic primary results facing potential rejection from the national party and the Republican field narrowed down to two main contenders, the stakes are higher than ever. The eyes of the nation are on New Hampshire as it continues to play a pivotal role in the democratic process, upholding its century-old tradition and leaving an indelible mark on American politics.

/ Tuesday, January 23, 2024, 12:25 PM /

themes:  Joe Biden  South Carolina  Iowa  New Hampshire

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